We have live music, festivals and many other events going on regularly at our Megaton Brewery taproom! Contact us below with any questions or to request more information on renting the brewery!
If you’re interested in hosting an event at our venue, renting our trailer, or just have general questions about Megaton beer please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly!
• Semi Private: Up to 60 people – $1,500
• Private: 60 – 199 people – $2,500
• Full Venue: 200+ people – Call for a quote
Fill out this form if you have more questions or would like to request to rent the brewery or trailer and we'll get back to you ASAP!
If you’re interested in hosting an event at our venue, renting our trailer, or just have general questions about Megaton beer please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly!